Astral Escape- Board Game

Astral Escape Board Game

Over the course of the last 5 months I have been a part of a group of people that have developed a brand new board game! As a group we wanted to make a board game that would be unique in the current line of games on the shelf.

Game Overview

The red side of the board holds a demon that has the goal of getting the bodies of the souls that are stuck on the blue side of the board. The souls are fighting, as a team, to get items that will get them through the portal in the center of the board to get back to their bodies to defeat the demon. BUT WATCH OUT! The demon will be hunting to take control of your body and you will become one of his pawns to attack the friends you once had.

My Role

Since this was a team project my main role was realizing the dimensions that were needed for the box and designing the box that would hold all the pieces. My concept was depicting how the human body would be looking at their soul that was stuck in this other dimension. I was also the one that designed the characters. We wanted to make sure that the group of people were diverse as well as modern to keep away from the horror clichés we all know.